SINFONIA Research Results

Scientific Publications

We’re making our research findings available free of charge for readers and are providing open access to published papers and reports. The list will be updated as the project progresses.

Deep learning‑based fully automated Z‑axis coverage range definition from scout scans to eliminate overscanning in chest CT imaging
Y. Salimi, I. Shiri, A. Akhavanallaf, Z. Mansouri, A. S. Manesh, A. Sanaat, M. Pakbin, D. Askari, S. Sandoughdaran, E. Sharifipour, H. Arabi and H. Zaidi
Insights into Imaging
Determining Out-of-Field Doses and Second Cancer Risk From Proton Therapy in Young Patients—An Overview
M. Romero-Expósito, I. Toma-Dasu, A. DasuFrontiers in Oncology31/05/2022
Peripheral organ equivalent dose estimation procedure in proton therapyC. Domingo, J.I. Lagares, M. Romero-Expósito, B. Sánchez-Nieto, J.J. Nieto-Camero, J.A. Terrón, L Irazola, A. Dasu, F. Sánchez-Doblado
Frontiers in Oncology25/05/2022
Range shifter scattering contribution to the stray radiation field in proton therapy measured with a tissue-equivalent proportional counter
L. Eliasson, J. Lillhök, T. Bäck, R. Billnert-Maróti, A. Dasu, M. LiszkFrontiers in Oncology02/08/2022
Occupational radiation exposure assessment during the management of [68Ga]Ga-DOTA-TOCM. Riveira-Martin, L. Struelens, W. Schoonjans, I. Sánchez-Díaz, J. Muñoz Iglesias, Ó. Ferreira Dávila, F. J. Salvador Gómez, M. Salgado Fernández, A. López MedinaEJNMMI Physics29/10/2022
Deep Learning-based calculation of patient size and attenuation surrogates from localizer Image: Toward personalized chest CT protocol optimizationY. Salimi, I. Shiri, A. Akhavanallaf, Z. Mansouri, A. Sanaat, M. Pakbin, M. Ghasemian, H. Arabi, H. ZaidiEuropean Journal of Radiology10/11/2022
Medical applications of ionizing radiations and radiation protection for European patients, population and environmentI. Thierry-Chef, E. Cardis, J. Damilakis, G. Frija, M. Hierath, C. HoeschenEPJN – Nuclear Sciences & Technologies21/12/2022
Fully automated accurate patient positioning in computed tomography using anterior-posterior localizer images and a deep neural network: a dual-center studyY. Salimi, I. Shiri, A. Akavanallaf, Z. Mansouri, H. Arabi, H. ZaidiEuropean Radiology27/01/2023
Strategies for radiation dose calculation and optimization in diagnostic and therapeutic nuclear medicine procedureA. AkhavanallafPhD thesis13/03/2023
Rapid estimation of patient-specific organ doses using a deep learning networkM. Myronakis, J. Stratakis, J. DamilakisMedical Physics23/03/2023
The predictive value of 68Ga-DOATATE PET and biomarkers in 177Lu-PRRT tumor dosimetryA. Akhavanallaf, A.B. Peterson, K. Fitzpatrick, M. Roseland, K.K. Wong, I. El‑Naqa, H. Zaidi, Y. K. DewarajaEJNMMI12/05/2023
Real‑time, acquisition parameter‑free voxel‑wise patient‑specific Monte Carlo dose reconstruction in whole‑body CT scanning using deep neural networksY. Salimi, A. Akhavanallaf, Z. Mansouri, I. Shiri, H. ZaidiEuropean Radiology27/06/2023
Predictive value of 99mTc-MAA-based dosimetry in personalized 90Y-SIRT planning for liver malignanciesM. Riveira‑Martin, A. Akhavanallaf, Z. Mansouri, N. Bianchetto Wolf, Y. Salimi,
A. Ricoeur, I. Mainta, V. Garibotto, A. López Medina, H. Zaidi
EJNMMI Research03/07/2023
Interview: Prevención de la exposición ocupacional a la radiación del personal de enfermería de Medicina NuclearM. Riveira‑MartinArchivos de Prevención de Riesgos Laborales15/07/2023
Radiation exposure assessment of nuclear medicine staff administering [177Lu]Lu-DOTA-TATE with active and passive dosimetryM. Riveira-Martin, L. Struelens, J. Muñoz Iglesias et alEJNMMI Physics14/11/2023
Range shifter contribution to neutron exposure of patients undergoing proton pencil beam scanningM. Romero-Expósito, M. Liszka, A. Christou, I. Toma-Dasu, A. DasuMedical Physics19/12/2023
Impact of medical radionuclide discharges on people and the environmentJ. Vives i Batlle, L. Sweeck, F. Fiengo PérezJournal of Environmental Radioactivity05/01/2024
Deep transformer‑based personalized dosimetry from SPECT/CT images: a hybrid approach for [177Lu]Lu‑DOTATATE radiopharmaceutical therapyZ. Mansouri, Y. Salimi, A. Akhavanallaf, I. Shiri, E. Pirazzo Andrade Teixeira, X. Hou, J.-M. Beauregard, A. Rahmim, H. ZaidiEJNMMI 25/01/2024
Fully automated explainable abdominal CT contrast media phase classification using organ segmentation and machine learningY. Salimi, Z. Mansouri, G. Hajianfar, A. Sanaat, I. Shiri, H. ZaidiMedical Physics17/04/2024
Accuracy of patient-specific CT organ doses from Monte Carlo simulations – Influence of CT-based voxel modelsG. Verfaillie, J. Rutten, Y. D’Asseler, K. BacherPhysical and Engineering Sciences in Medicine18/04/2024
Joint EURADOS-EANM initiative of an advanced computational framework for the assessment of external dose rates from nuclear medicine patientsL. Struelens, C. Huet, D. Broggio, J. Dabin, L. Desorgher, A. Giussani, W. Li, D. Nosske, L. Yi-Kang, L. Cunha, M. JR Carapinha, P. CovensEJNMMI Physics22/04/2024
Dosimetría personalizada a trabajadores y pacientes en
procedimientos de Medicina Nuclear con nuevos
radiofármacos teranósticos
M. Riveira-MartinPhD thesis19/05/2024
Digital phantom versus patient-specific radiation dosimetry in adult routine thorax CT examinationsA.E. Papadakis, V. Giannakaki, J. Stratakis, M. Myronakis, H. Zaidi, J. DamilakisJournal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics22/05/2024
Enhancing precision: A predictive model for 177Lu-DOTATATE treatment response in neuroendocrine tumors using quantitative 68Ga-DOTATATE PET and clinicopathological biomarkersA. Akhavanallaf, S. Joshi, A. Mohan et al.Theranostics11/06/2024
Object and person tracking systems for occupational dosimetry in nuclear medicine using computational methodsD. Santiago Rondón, P. Lombardo, M. Abdelrahman, L. Struelens, F. Vanhavere, N. BergansJournal of Radiological Protection25/07/2024
The role of biomarkers and dosimetry parameters in overall and progression free survival prediction for patients treated with personalized 90Y glass microspheres SIRTZ. Mansouri, Y. Salimi, G. Hajianfar et al.EJNMMI09/07/2024
Effect of spectral filtering and segmental X-ray tube current switch-off on interventionalist’s scatter exposure during CT fluoroscopyOliver S. Grosser, Martin Volk, Marilena Georgiades, Daniel Punzet, Bahaa Alsawalhi, Dennis Kupitz, Jazan Omari, Heiko Wissel, Michael C. Kreissl, Georg Rose, Maciej PechBioengineering16/08/2024
An efficient dual-domain deep learning network for sparse-view CT reconstructionS. Chang, S. Yazdan, B. Sana, A. Neroladaki, H. ZaidiComputer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine21/08/2024
Organomics: A Concept Reflecting the Importance of PET/CT Healthy Organ Radiomics in Non–Small Cell Lung Cancer Prognosis Prediction Using Machine LearningY. Salimi, G. Hajianfar, Z. Mansouri, A. Sanaat, M. Amini, I. Shiri, H. ZaidiClinical Nuclear Medicine28/08/2024
Influence of X-ray spectrum and bowtie filter characterisation on the accuracy of Monte Carlo simulated organ doses: Validation in a whole-body CT scanning modeGwenny Verfaillie, Jeff Rutten, Lore Dewulf, Yves D’Asseler, Klaus BacherPhysical and Engineering Sciences in Medicine25/10/2024
Explainable AI for Automated Respiratory Misalignment Detection in PET/CT ImagingY. Salimi, Z. Mansouri, M. Amini, I. Mainta, and H. ZaidiPhysics in Medicine & Biology29/10/2024
The SINFONIA project repository for AI-based algorithms and health dataJ. Fernandez-Fabeiro, A. Carballido, A.M. Fernandez-Fernandez, M.R.
Moldes, D. Villar, J.C. Mourino
Frontiers in Public Health23/10/2024
How much do 68Ga-, 177Lu- and 131I-based radiopharmaceuticals contribute to the global radiation exposure of nuclear medicine staff?L. Struelens, E. Aalbersberg, L. Beels et al.EJNMMI Physics14/11/2024
Individualized evaluation of the total dose received by radiotherapy patients: Integrating in-field, out-of-field, and imaging dosesM. Romero-Expósito et al.Physica Medica22/12/2024
Development and validation of fully automated robust deep learning models for multi-organ segmentation from whole-body CT imagesY. Salimi et al.Physica Medica24/01/2025
Deep Learning–Powered CT-Less Multitracer Organ Segmentation From PET Images. A Solution for Unreliable CT Segmentation in PET/CT ImagingY. Salimi et al.Clinical Nuclear Medicine28/01/2025


T I T L EA U T H O R (s)C O N F E R E N C ED A T E, P L A C E
Automatic Deep learning based calculation of water equivalent diameter from 2D CT localizer imageY. Salimi, A. Akhavanallaf, I. Shiri, A. Sanaat, H. Arabi, H. ZaidiVirtual IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference16-23 October 2021, online
Comparison of low-distortion methods for calculating diffusion-related metrics in metastatic brain tumors and structuresM. Riveira Martin, A. Lopez Medina, A. Gonzalez Pose, A. Fernandez Gonzalez, F. Salvador Gomez, O. Miguel Vila Nieto, I. Nieto Regueira, V. Ochagavia Galilea, V. Manuel Muñoz GarzonThe European SocieTy for Radiotherapy and Oncology (ESTRO)6-10 May 2022, Copenhagen, Denmark
Predictive value of dose metrics from 99mTc-MAA compared to 90Y SPECT/CT in Dosimetry-Guided Personalized SIRT of Hepatocellular CarcinomaM. Riveira, A. Akhavanallaf, N. Bianchetto Wolf, Y. Salimi, I. Mainta, V. Garibotto, A. Lopez Medina, H. ZaidiSociety of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (SNMMI)11-14 June 2022, Vancouver, Canada
Neutron dose equivalent increase due to range shifter in active proton therapyM. Romero Expósito and A. Dasu4th European Congress of Medical Physics (ECMP)17-20 August 2022, Dublin, Ireland
Validation of FACS-based analysis of γH2AX foci formation anddecay in human peripheral blood lymphocytes and U2OS cellsM. Płódowska, A. Węgierek-Ciuk1, A. Lankoff, P. Wołowiec, A. Wójcik, H. LisowskaEuropean Radiation Research Society (ERRS)21-24 September 2022, Catania, Italy
Human and object tracking systems for computational dosimetry in Nuclear MedicineD. Santiago Rondón, P. Lombardo, M. Abdelrahman, N. Bergans, F. Vanhavere, L. StruelensEuropean Radiation Protection Week (ERPW)9-14 October 2022, Estoril, Portugal
SINFONIA field survey of staff dosimetry practice in proton therapy centersM. De Saint-Hubert, A. Dasu, J. Damilakis, L. StruelensEuropean Radiation Protection Week (ERPW)9-14 October 2022, Estoril, Portugal
Advancing continuous education in the radiology department: case example through a novel software that quantifies repeated scans in CTN. Fitousi, T. Van Herpe, B. Arnaudovski, T. De Waelheyns, H. Bosmans, J. JacobsEuropean Radiation Protection Week (ERPW)9-14 October 2022, Estoril, Portugal
Head and Neck Cancer Overall Survival Prognostication Using Dosiomic Features and Random Survival Forest AlgorithmZ. Mansouri, Y. Salimi, M. Amini, G. Hajianfar, M. Oveisi, I. Shiri, H. ZaidiIEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Medical Imaging Conference and Room Temperature Semiconductor Detector Conference05-12 November 2022, Milan, Italy
Fully automated multi-organ segmentation in CT images via deep neural networksY. Salimi, I. Shiri, Z. Mansouri, H. ZaidiIEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Medical Imaging Conference and Room Temperature Semiconductor Detector Conference05-12 November 2022, Milan, Italy
Real-time Voxel-Wise Patient-specific Monte Carlo dose reconstruction in whole-body CT images using Deep Neural NetworksY. Salimi, A. Akhavanallaf, Z. Mansouri, I. Shiri, H. ZaidiIEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Medical Imaging Conference and Room Temperature Semiconductor Detector Conference05-12 November 2022, Milan, Italy
Proton treatment for shallow brain targets: the influence of the range shifter in terms of in-field and out-of-field dosesM. Romero-Expósito, et alNordic Association for Clinical Physics (NACP) Symposium30 March – 1 April 2023, Reykjavik, Iceland
CBCT Dose distribution Calculation with GATE Monte Carlo Simulations for Lymphoma patients undergoing Radiation TherapyM. Riveira Martin, et alESTRO 202312-16 May 2023, Vienna, Austria
Voxel-wise tumour response estimation from functional imaging and radiobiological modeA. López Medina, et alESTRO 202312-16 May 2023, Vienna, Austria
The effect of field size on neutron dose equivalent around the target in proton beamsM. Romero-Expósito, et alESTRO 202312-16 May 2023, Vienna, Austria
Framework for out-of-field dosimetry in photon radiotherapy: application to Hodgkin lymphomaM. Romero-Expósito, et alESTRO 202312-16 May 2023, Vienna, Austria
Monitorización de la Dosis en Manos, Efectiva y en Tiempo Real del Personal de Medicina Nuclear durante el Tratamiento de Tumores Neuroendocrinos con [177Lu]Lu-DOTA-TATEM. Riveira-Martin, et alSEFM-SEPR 2023 Conference23-26 May 2023, Oviedo, Spain
Neutron dose equivalent increase from the use of range shifter in proton fieldsM. Romero-Expósito, et alParticle Therapy Co-Operative Group (PTCOG) 61st Annual Conference10-16 June 2023, Madrid, Spain
Automatic axial range selection on the CT localizer to remove unused SPECT/CT slices: Application to serial imaging in radiopharmaceutical therapyY. Salimi, et al69th SNMMI Annual Meeting24-27 June 2023, Chicago, USA


Factsheet on diagnostic radiologyJ. Damilakis, J. Stratakis, M. Myronakis30/10/2021Leaflet
Factsheet on radiation therapyA. Dasu, M. Riveira Martín, A. López Medina30/10/2021 Leaflet
Factsheet on nuclear medicineH. Zaidi, M. Riveira Martín, M. Salgado Fernández, K. Bacher 30/10/2021 Leaflet

Public deliverables

D5.1Requirements and design of the prototype architecture31/12/2021
D3.6 Field survey of staff dosimetry practice in proton radiotherapy centres28/02/2022
D6.1Report on dosimetry, radiobiology and radiation protection education in the field
of medical imaging and radiation oncology
D4.4Factors that influence the risk of SMN31/08/2022
D3.2Methodology of an advanced computational approach and generation of new dose data for comforters in NUM31/08/2022
D7.1Intermediate report on SINFONIA dissemination activities31/08/2022
D7.5Updated Communication and Dissemination Plan and updated video31/08/2022
D3.4Radionuclide dispersion simulations results23/09/2022
D3.5Human, biota and aquatic biota study report23/02/2023
D5.2Platform description, data model and protocols17/04/2023
D2.1Software tool on personalised dosimetry in radiological imaging and deep-learning guided algorithms31/08/2023
D2.3Methodological report on the development of a system for personalised dosimetry to account for in-field and out-offield organ exposure from scatter dose during photon-based therapy, neutronradiation and imaging in proton therapy31/08/2023
D2.4Software tool on personalised dosimetry in photon-based radiation therapy imaging and deeplearning-guided algorithms31/08/2023
D2.2Software tool on personalised dosimetry in PET-CT and deep learning-guided algorithms for automated construction of computational models13/11/2023